Looking back on the situation twenty years later I wish the younger me had taken the lessons. As I grow older I have found a new appreciation for my Portuguese heritage and more importantly establishing a link to my past. What I am beginning to realize is, as I grow older so to do my Portuguese-speaking Grandparents. Luckily for me, over the years my Grandparents have learned a little bit of English and with some patience you can have a conversation with them.
One afternoon I was sitting on the porch with my Grandfather and I was curious about why he chose to come to Canada. I knew my Grandfather had left his young family, a wife and three children, behind to come to Canada, but what I wanted to know was why? I figured the most logical thing to do was to ask. So, I did. I re-call him turning his head to the side and then he smiled and said, “I was crazy.”
Not quite the answer I was expecting either. He told me his brother, one of five brothers, came to him and simply asked if he wanted to go to Canada. He didn’t know much about the country, but he knew that he wanted to provide the best life possible for his children and with that thought in mind he left his family behind and ventured to Canada. The rest is history.
Today something horrible happened (My Grandfather is fine). I went to turn on my Xbox 360 and a red ring was flashing on the console when it is usually green – something was wrong.
These days when I have a question or something needs fixing I turn to my friend Google for the answer. Sure enough, Google knew exactly what the problem was. It even had a cool name for the problem – The Red Ring of Death (Rrod). I was instantly connected to forums, videos and wikis detailing what the Rrod was and how to fix it. I wasn’t in the mood for reading (who could really stop to read when their Xbox is broken?) so I decided to follow the youtube link titled “Quick Fix for the Red Ring of Death.”

I was quite pleased with the final results, but something inside me could only wonder: what did people do before Google? I sat in my room thinking about my Grandfather with a wife, three small children, a small plot of land, a modest home and the family donkey. How did he solve the problems of his time? I can only imagine that he was left to fix his own problems.
Now I am not trying to compare fixing my Xbox to the same problems my Grandfather faced, but rather try contrast how the “problems” of a person’s life can change over long periods of time. In his mid-twenties my Grandfather was starting a family and trying to provide for them using all that he had: some land, a donkey and his own two hands. Here I am two generations later and I have just finished a four-year undergraduate, a year at Teacher’s College and the worst thing to happen to me today was to have my Xbox stop working.
My conversations with my Grandparents are important to me because their stories seem to be so surreal to me now. As time goes by I try my best to collect as many stories as possible so that one day I can share stories about my Grandparents with my children. One day my grand child’s technological toy may break and the “House Bot” will come out from the closet and fix it instantly and I will be an old senile man on my rocking chair telling stories about how “back in my day.” Like anything in life, I believe, it’s important to know where you came from so you can appreciate where you’re going.
Half of this sounds very familiar as per last night's discussion. I'm also glad you were able to remedy the terrible X-box situation.
Fun piece!
This is one of the articles I was holding onto. After talking with you I couldn't keep it in the dark any longer. It's getting frustrating to see this new process go nowhere.
I can completely relate. There is nothing worse than not knowing or understanding your own background. I only recently re-discovered my own. Travel to Portugal, learn to speak Portugese, and learn to cook traditional dishes the BG (Before Google) way. These are some of the few links that you will share with the future generation....you know, when x-box will then be as "uncool" as Atari!
its weird how life works, as a kid when you grow older you try to fit in with everybody and as you are older you try to set yourself apart. its not until your older that you realize your family/heritage both unites and defines who you are. and you summed it up perfectly.
Reflection! Reflection! Reflection!! It always shows us where we have been and the reason we are heading in the direction we are.
and hence why i study history (and the history of migration). good piece sean :)
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